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Thursday, December 18, 2014

Marshmallow Snowman Math

After working hard all week on our second 9 weeks math assessment, I decided that my friends were going to need a really fun math to do today, and boy did we find one! We did Marshmallow Snowman Math, We estimated how many marshmallows it would take to fill up our snowman, then we filled up our snowmen with marshmallows and counted them all up! This was such a fun (and yummy!) activity to practice our counting skills!

Friday, December 12, 2014

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Who Has More?

Today in math, we played a really fun review game. Each student had a partner. Each kindergarten friend rolled a die to see how many Hershey Kisses to put on the frame. The students had to decide who had more kisses on the tens frame. The student with more kisses "won the round" and then added up the two sets of Hershey Kisses together to see how many the partners had all together. 

We loved reviewing our skills with this game and we can't wait to play again soon!

Friday, December 5, 2014

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Decorating and Enjoying our Gingerbread!

On Tuesday, we baked our Gingerbread babies. Yesterday during snack, we decorated and enjoyed our Gingerbread babies! Yummy!

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Making Gingerbread Babies!

This week has been all about Gingerbread! So far, we have read The Gingerbread Man, and Gingerbread Pirates. Throughout the rest of the week, we will be reading The Gingerbread Girl, The Gingerbread Cowboy, and The Gingerbread Baby. Yesterday, we compiled a list of ingredients we would need to bake our own Gingerbread babies, and today, we baked them!

We started off by making sure all of our ingredients were mixed very well...

Then, we worked hard to make our dough flat and even...

Then, we took our gingerbread cookie cutter and cut out our gingerbread shapes!

We put them in the oven for 8 minutes and...

out came our Gingerbread babies!

Tomorrow we will be icing and enjoying our Gingerbread babies! We will also begin writing our "How To: Make a Gingerbread Baby" books!