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Tuesday, August 26, 2014

What a fun two days! I am so proud of my kinder friends and how far they have come since last Monday and Tuesday. I am already seeing a huge difference in the way my friends are excited to come to school and learn, and this is only week 2! I can't wait to see how they continue to progress throughout this year.

This week, we have been studying my personal favorite children's author: Mo Willems. On Monday, we practiced doodling like Mo does in his books Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus and Don't Let the Pigeon Stay Up Late. We also watched an interview with Mo Willems and learned more about him as both an author and an illustrator.

We take REGULAR brain breaks throughout the day (kindergarten is hard work, y'all!). To make sure that we have all our wiggles out and that our brains are ready for our next lesson, we regularly use one of my favorite sites, GoNoodle, for our wiggle breaks. Here is a picture of my kinder friends practicing yoga with Maximo the magnifico. They LOVE it!!! And I love getting to take the breaks with them. What fun!

During reading, we have been discussing the 3 different ways to read a book. (There is never a reason any of my kinder friends should ever say "I can't read".) We talked about reading the pictures, reading the words, and retelling the story. We used the story, Goldilocks and the Three Bears to practice these three methods of reading. This picture is of my friends watching the pictures of the book, but not reading the words yet. We were practicing reading the pictures. We then re-told the events of the story. 

Today, we came up with our own "pigeon" stories. We brainstormed silly things the Pigeon did like in Mo Willem's stories we read, and my friends got to draw pictures of their Pigeon being silly and finish the statement, "Don't let the Pigeon..." I loved hearing my friends' answers and the great things they came up with. They worked so hard and I am so proud!

During math, we have been exploring numbers. We have been creating anchor charts for "All About Numbers 1 and 2". We will create anchor charts for numbers 3 - 5 for the remainder of the week. My friends have been independently recording their charts in their math journals. Here is a picture of my friends working hard on their math journals. They make me one proud teacher. 

I am having the best time growing and learning with your children, I already can't wait for school tomorrow, and I hope your child feels the same way!

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Fantastic First Week!! (And a peek at next week)

All I can say is... WOW!!! What a GREAT first week!! I am astonished by my kinder friends and everything they learned this week.

We read the book, Have you filled a bucket today? and discussed different ways to fill up our friends' buckets.

We also discussed drawing pictures to tell a story. We learned that we are all authors... and that authors can write about ANYTHING. We told our own stories, titled them, and even shared them with the class. (One of my favorite parts about doing this was my kinder friends thinking my pitiful artwork was "THE BEST EVER!!" :) 

We took time each morning during our morning to share scrapbook pages sent in. Our friends loved sitting in my special sharing chair and getting to talk about their pages. We bound all the pages up into a book and placed it in our classroom library. I have already seen my friends when they have a chance to explore our library pulling out our classroom scrapbook.

During math this week, we asked, "What is Math?" We recorded our discussions in our math journals (we decided math includes A LOT of different things!), we looked at different ways to sort in our learning clubs, and we looked at our names and talked about who in our class had the longest and shortest names. What a fun week in math!!

We also created our "class promises" this week. We read character building books during our family meeting leading up to the creation of our promises. We made a big list of what we would like to see in our "dream classroom" and compiled it into a smaller list of classroom promises we could all remember. We all signed our name on our promises, and we have promised to follow them. Our promises are now on display for all to see in our classroom.

I had so much fun this week, but I am even more excited for next week! We will be diving in to an author study of my favorite children's book author, Mo Willems! On Wednesday, we will be bringing our favorite stuffed animals to class and reading my favorite book by Mo Willems, Knuffle Bunny

Here is the link to my lesson plans for this week: Week 2

Our sight words for the upcoming week are: a, it, my. Please make sure you are reviewing these with your child nightly! Can't wait to see all of my kinder friends bright and early on Monday morning after a restful weekend!

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Terrific Tuesday- August 19

What a fun day today! We continued practicing our routines (we're going to be a well oiled machine by the end of this week :-) ), went to computer lab, and we took a tour of the school! On our tour of the school we stopped by the front office, Dr. Patterson's office, the nurse's office, the guidance counselor's office, the library, the computer lab, the gym, the cafeteria, the music room, and the art room. We had a blast learning where everything is in the school! We also read Pete the Cat: Rockin' in my School Shoes and Have You Filled a Bucket Today?

I also showed my friends my blog, and my "All About Ms. Fortner" page. Much like I do, my kinder friends LOVED seeing my puppy, Tilley, and wanted to know all sorts of details about her. :)

Monday, August 18, 2014

First Day Fun!!

What an awesome first day of school! 

We practiced our routines, read aloud First Day Jitters, The Kissing Hand, and Do Unto Otters. We also discussed some ways to be kind to our friends in our classroom (the beginning of our class promises to each other). During math, our friends were given a pile of starbursts and asked to divide them evenly among themselves. (My friends did a great job of sharing and making sure the amount of starbursts everyone had was fair. I was so impressed!)

We had so much fun today! This teacher sure is tired. I can't wait to see these sweet faces again in the morning! 

And as an extra bonus, here is a copy of my lesson plans for the week as well as our current daily schedule (as the year progresses and I get to know our class more, the daily schedule is subject to change by a few minutes)