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Monday, August 18, 2014

First Day Fun!!

What an awesome first day of school! 

We practiced our routines, read aloud First Day Jitters, The Kissing Hand, and Do Unto Otters. We also discussed some ways to be kind to our friends in our classroom (the beginning of our class promises to each other). During math, our friends were given a pile of starbursts and asked to divide them evenly among themselves. (My friends did a great job of sharing and making sure the amount of starbursts everyone had was fair. I was so impressed!)

We had so much fun today! This teacher sure is tired. I can't wait to see these sweet faces again in the morning! 

And as an extra bonus, here is a copy of my lesson plans for the week as well as our current daily schedule (as the year progresses and I get to know our class more, the daily schedule is subject to change by a few minutes)

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