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Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Creating Our Communities

This week in social studies we have been continuing our study in maps and communities. Today we split in to three groups, discussed the layout of our blue prints, and drew our blue prints. We are so excited to build our communities tomorrow and show off our hard work!


  1. Dear Fort Kindergarteners - I am look forward to seeing you as you work to build your communities. Your blue prints look great and will provide you with a wonderful guide as you work to build your communities! Thank you for your hard work! You make me proud!

  2. Dear Dr. Patterson,

    Thank you for your nice words about our blue prints. We can't wait to show you our communities. We think you are the BEST principal EVER!! We love you.


    Ms. Fortner's Class

  3. These are great. I love all the detail. So proud of their focus and hardwork!!! Way to go!
