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Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Our Treasure Hunt

Yesterday, we began our maps and communities unit. I told my kinder friends there was TREASURE in the school and we needed to find it! We lined up and walked around the school, students telling me where to turn. We walked around the school (literally, in a circle) and wound up back in the classroom... no treasure. We discussed what could have helped us, and we decided that we needed a map!

Lucky for us, we had a map today to lead us straight to our treasure!! First, we spent our time looking over the map in our classroom and discussing things we noticed about it. 

Then, we lined up and used our map to find treasure. We followed it through the kindergarten hall, past the computer lab, past the library, past Dr. Patterson's office, and into the front office where we found...

our treasure!!

We were so excited!!! Look at these sweet faces :-)

 After we all grabbed a piece of candy from our treasure chest, we talked about how we could use our map to go back to our classroom. Mason lead us back to our room.

What a fun day!!!

1 comment:

  1. Way to go friends! I am so glad you were able to use your map skills to find the treasure.
