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Friday, October 17, 2014

Fall, leaves, and trees, oh my!

What a fun week studying fall, leaves and trees! We read several fall related books and poems of different types that related to leaves and fall. 

As we read our books, we collected facts. During writing, we compiled our facts and turned them into fact books. Here are a few of our facts from our fact books about fall:

"Leaves make food for the trees."

"The leaves stop making food in the fall."

"We can pick pumpkins because they grow in the fall."

"Leaves fall off the trees."

"Leaves change colors in fall."

"The green leaf color covers the fall leaf colors before the fall."

"The leaves fall off the trees."

"Leaves need water, air and sunlight to make food."

"We can jump in leaf piles in the fall."

"I wonder if brown leaves are a pigment of an Oak Tree." 

This week we discussed the life cycle of a tree. We went on a "Wonder Walk" and noticed that some trees were protecting their leaves for the winter and their needles weren't falling off (Evergreen trees) and we noticed that other trees (deciduous trees) had leaves that were changing colors and falling off. 

We wondered if the Evergreen tree's needles were "pokey" so we just HAD to use our sense of touch to feel it and find out. :-) 

Here are a few friends discussing the difference in the Evergreen tree life cycle and the Deciduous tree life cycle:

We came back inside and we visited our tree of seasons canvas. We discussed that the leaves on decidious trees outside were no longer green, but turning colors like red, orange and yellow. We took turns and colored the leaves the appropriate colors in our fall section of our tree. 

We also had wonder stations for leaf observation. We compared Evergreen Needles to Decidious leaves, and compared size, shape, and color of Decidious leaves.

We recorded our findings in wonder journals.

"This leaf is yellow because the chlorophyll went out, but this leaf is green because the chlorophyll is in it."

"I think the leaves change colors because they didn't have chlorophyll."

Comparing leaf sizes: Long leaf stem, and short leaf stem. 

Examining the color changes in the leaves

Our class's new favorite recess activity is exploring leaves! Jason brought in these leaves and shared his thoughts with our class.

Lauren also wanted to explain why the leaves looked different..

Lastly, we had a VERY special mystery reader this week! Dr. Patterson came to our class and read "The Day The Crayons Quit" to us! (Which is HYSTERICAL, if you have not read it!)

Thank you Dr. Patterson for making our Friday so special!

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