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Friday, October 10, 2014

Walk To School Week / Week 8

What a fun week! 

If you have been keeping up with us, you know we have been having a lot of fun studying fall this week. On top of that, it was walk to school week. All week we dressed as our favorite Lego Movie characters, and on Wednesday, we participated in the Walk to School parade. Some of us carried lego creations from home in the parade, but all of us learned about how AWESOME it is to be a healthy All*Star!

For writing this week, we created a 5 senses book that covered the things we tasted, saw, smelled, touched and heard in the Wonder Room and on our Wonder Walk. Here are a few pictures of our friends' hard work...

Can you tell we have been talking about being able to also call fall "autumn"? :)

"In the fall, I see pinecones"

On Friday morning, we attended an assembly put on by 4th grade. Their PBL unit has been about bullying. They created a buddy bench for the playground. The idea is if a student feels lonely, they can go sit on the buddy bench and another student that notices that they are lonely will come play with them. Isn't that a great idea? We loved seeing our fourth grade friends dedicate the bench!

Our Wonder of the Week this week was, "Why does food decay?" We observed our apples all week, and finally on Friday we took a good look at them in small groups and recorded what was happening in our wonder journals. We were shocked to see that the vinegar we thought would stop the process of the apple decaying.. didn't! We discussed that the apple in the air and the apple in the vinegar still decayed, but the apple in the salt water and the lemon juice stopped the process of the apple decaying. Ask your student why the salt water and lemon juice stopped the apple from decaying!

I loved these wonder journal entries!
"The one with the lemon juice has not turned brown."

"The lemon juice is doing good."

In math, we have been focusing on using different strategies to figure out a missing number. We used number lines this week, played "guess my number", and played number bingo! Here are a few pictures of us playing number bingo... it was a big hit! :)

I am looking forward to next week when we continue our Fall PBL study. I am loving seeing my kinder friends turn into little scientists that love exploring and learning.

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