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Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Wonder of the Week #10

What is your favorite holiday cookie?

Please be sure to comment your answer!

Clemson / Carolina Pep Rally

All last week and yesterday, we have been raising money for Relay for Life in the Clemson/Carolina challenge. As a school, we collectively raised over $2,000! The most OES has raised yet! Unfortunately, South Carolina raised more money than Clemson did, and this meant that a teacher from every grade level that liked Clemson got a PIE IN THE FACE! There was a tie in kindergarten so both Mrs. Ryan and I got a nice pie to our face by friends in kindergarten.

(Yes, I wore a pancho :-))

Here is a video of Mrs. Ryan and I getting pied in the face... our kindergarten friends weren't too sure what to do!

The student in the whole school that raised the most money got to pie Dr. Patterson. As you can see, Dr. Patterson got a lot of pie on him. :-)

Did the Pilgrims and Native Americans dress the same way we dress?

Over the last week, we have been comparing the way Pilgrims and Native Americans lived during the first Thanksgiving to the way that we live now. We wondered if the Pilgrims and the Native Americans dressed the same way that we do. We explored this website and discovered that neither the Native Americans nor the Pilgrims dressed the same way that we do today! We created costumes to help us understand more of the way their clothes differ from our clothes.

We wore our costumes to lunch and to our kindergarten Thanksgiving feast! We had so much fun creating our costumes!

Kindergarten Thanksgiving Feast

This afternoon after lunch, all of kindergarten gathered in the hallway for a special kindergarten Thanksgiving feast. Each class contributed a snack for our special snack mix. We each chose our own special, spot in the hallway and enjoyed our snack as kindergarten friends. 

Here a few pictures of our class enjoying our Thanksgiving FEAST!


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Our Most Thankful Thing

I'm This week, we read the mentor text The Most Thankful Thing by Lisa McCourt. We made a class list of the things we are the most thankful for. We compiled a class list of things we are thankful for (which was so genuine and so sweet!)

Then, we went off to create our "Most Thankful Thing" books. These were too sweet to not share.

"I am thankful for my grandma because she makes yummy food."

"I am thankful for my friend Claire because she is so nice to me!"

"I am thankful for my brother because I love him."

"I am thankful for my mom and dad because they are nice to me."

"Another reason I am thankful for my grandma is because when I was a baby she held and took care of me."

"Another reason I am thankful for my mom is because she buys me the best birthday presents."

"I am thankful for my friends at school."

"I like my dad because he plays with me a lot."

"I am thankful for Jesus because he loves me. I love you too, Jesus."

"Another reason I am thankful for my sister is because she lets me sleep with her."

These were so sweet and I have really enjoyed hearing my kinder friend's perspectives on what they are thankful for. Your child will be bringing home their thankful book today!

Monday, November 24, 2014

Sequencing/Retelling the story of the first Thanksgiving

Last week, we read The First Thanksgiving and The Story of the Pilgrims. We identified important events in the story and sequenced them on Friday. 

Today, we created bracelets to help us tell the story. We decided to use certain colors of beads to signify events in the story. 

Here are the colors of beads we chose and their significance:
  • One brown bead to represent the Pilgrims leaving England for religious freedom
  • A white bead to represent the sails on the Mayflower
  • Three blue beads to represent the LONG trip over the ocean
  • One green bead for when the Pilgrims finally saw land
  • One clear bead and three white beads to represent the long, cold, terrible winter (clear for ice and white for snow)
  • 1 green for winter turning to spring
  • 1 brown for the Native Americans befriending the Pilgrims
  • 3 beads to represent food at the first Thanksgiving feast (red for cranberries, yellow for corn, orange for pumpkin)

We agreed that these colors helped us to remember the story, so we created our bracelets. Here are a few pictures of us making our bracelets. 

Tomorrow, we will use our bracelets to help us tell a friend the story of the First Thanksgiving at our Kindergarten celebration. We will also bring our bracelets home tomorrow so that we can tell you the story of the first Thanksgiving!