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Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Clemson / Carolina Pep Rally

All last week and yesterday, we have been raising money for Relay for Life in the Clemson/Carolina challenge. As a school, we collectively raised over $2,000! The most OES has raised yet! Unfortunately, South Carolina raised more money than Clemson did, and this meant that a teacher from every grade level that liked Clemson got a PIE IN THE FACE! There was a tie in kindergarten so both Mrs. Ryan and I got a nice pie to our face by friends in kindergarten.

(Yes, I wore a pancho :-))

Here is a video of Mrs. Ryan and I getting pied in the face... our kindergarten friends weren't too sure what to do!

The student in the whole school that raised the most money got to pie Dr. Patterson. As you can see, Dr. Patterson got a lot of pie on him. :-)

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