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Monday, November 17, 2014

How To: Make a Fruit Salad

Today, we did my favorite writing lesson thus far! We introduced informative writing, in the form of "How To". We created a fruit salad and discussed the steps that are important for making a fruit salad.

First, I washed and cut up the fruit with a knife. We had an important discussion about safety and how we are never to use knives at home unless an adult is with us to help us. 

 After we had our safety discussion, I asked what I needed to put in the salad. I showed my friends that we had bananas, strawberries and blueberries for our fruit salad. I left one banana in the peel, the strawberries in their container and the blueberries in their container. My friends said I needed to put in the bananas, so I just put the banana (peel and all straight into the bowl). Much to my friends dismay, they quickly let me know that first I needed to peel and cut the banana BEFORE it could go into the bowl. I peeled and cut the banana and put it in the bowl and had some friends assist me with putting the bananas in the bowl.

Next, my friends told me I needed to put the strawberries in the bowl. So, I put the whole container of strawberries in the bowl. :) My friends were NOT amused and told me I needed to OPEN the container before I poured the strawberries in the bowl.

So I had some friends assist me with putting the strawberries in the bowl.

Then, my friends said to put the blueberries in. Again, I just put in the whole container. This time my friends were amazed that I still did not understand their directions! We talked about being very specific with our directions. They made sure I knew this time to OPEN the blueberry container and pour the blueberries in the bowl. 

We decided we didn't want our fruit salad to be just layers of fruit, that we wanted it to be mixed up! So we had some friends help us come and mix up our fruit salad.

Here was our finished product... YUM!!!

We had time to eat and enjoy our special healthy snack. I was pleased at the amount of "yummies" the fruit salad recieved! :-)

Finally, we all came together to the carpet and made a 3 step list of directions on how to make a fruit salad.

I am so impressed by my friends ability to follow directions, and to verbalize their directions and tell me how to make a fruit salad. Tomorrow, we will begin our own "how to" books on how to do something we are good at! Please discuss with yoru child something they are good at and can break down into three simple steps. This can be anything from brushing their teeth, brushing their hair, riding a bicycle, tying their shoes, anything! 

I can't wait to see what my little scholars inform me on how to do!

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