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Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Trees in Winter

This year, we have been working on our "Tree of Seasons" canvas. This canvas helps us to see all the ways that trees change and adapt throughout the year. We have already experienced summer and fall on our tree, and today we thought about Winter. We read The Season's of Arnold's Apple Tree by Gail Gibbons, and we decided we needed to go outside on a Wonder Walk and go observe what happened to our adopted deciduous tree and our adopted Evergreen tree.

When we got outside to our deciduous tree, we noticed it had NO leaves left on it! We remembered the leaves falling off during the fall, but now they were all gone!

I asked my friends about what they noticed, here was Linzey's response:

We walked over to the Evergreen tree, and we noticed it still had all its' needles! 

We wondered what kept those needles on the tree, but Mason remembered from our Fall PBL unit!

When we came back inside, we looked back at our Tree of Seasons canvas. We decided since there were no leaves on the trees, we shouldn't color any on our canvas!

We can't wait to see what our adopted trees look like in the Spring!

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