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Thursday, March 26, 2015

How Much Rain Can A Cloud Hold?

Today, we learned all about clouds. Our wonder for the day was How Much Rain Can a Cloud Hold? We recorded our thoughts in our wonder journal. Then, we had a discussion on if we could create a rain cloud ourselves. A lot of friends had suggestions like making a cloud out of paper, or tissues, or other things around our classroom. After a little discussion, my friends basically decided it was going to be impossible to make a cloud. Then, I showed my friends an ivory bar of soap and asked them what they thought would happen if I put it in the microwave! A lot of friends thought it would explode.. but instead... this is what happened..

We made a cloud!!!

It was so neat (and it smelled WONDERFUL)! We were able to touch the cloud and hold it, it was big and fluffy like a real cloud! Here we are exploring with our cloud...

We recorded our observations of the cloud in our wonder journals. Then, we wondered if our cloud could hold rain. A friend suggested we put cups under the cloud because if we put water in it, it would follow the water cycle and condense and precipitate!

After music, we read The Little Cloud  by Eric Carle and took the opportunity to become OES cloud watchers! We went outside with our beach towels (so fitting for beach day!) to observe the clouds. We recorded these observations in our wonder journals. 

When we came back inside, we shared what we noticed. Some friends saw shapes in the clouds, other friends saw the movement in the clouds around the sun. Some friends wondered what part of the water cycle the clouds were in.

 Here are some videos of my friends sharing what they saw outside.

Later today, we performed the Rain Cloud in a Jar experiment. We followed the advice of one of our friends this morning and put our "clouds" in cups with water. Then, we dropped water with blue food coloring into the cloud... after some drops...

something AMAZING happened!!! It started to rain from our clouds!!

I think today has been my favorite day of school yet!! We learned so much and had SO MUCH FUN (and only got a little messy :) ) I can't wait to learn more about weather with my friends next week! 

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