Today, we wondered if we could see inside our eggs like we could when we candled them the first time. We wanted to know if the eggs would look like they did the first time we candled them, and boy did we learn a whole lot!!! We saw a lot more than we saw the first time. We could actually see the ducks move!
After we candled, we recorded our thoughts in our An Egg is Quiet journals..
"Today we were candling and it was a lot more cool to me. In our egg it had a baby and in the other one it did not, it looked like this."
"Today, we candled our eggs again so we could know if baby ducks were growing inside them."
"Today we candled our eggs again so we could know if baby ducks were growing inside them. When I looked inside a runner duck egg it had veins and we could see the duck moving! It was SO cool!"
"In the Runner eggs there was a duck in the Pekin egg there was nothing."
"Me and Claire and Cameron and Jason and Mason candled eggs again so we can see if a baby is growing a Pekin or a Runner."
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