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Thursday, May 14, 2015

Are Ducks Playful?

Another exciting day here in Fort Kindergarten! We welcomed another new feathered friend to our classroom this morning when we arrived (for those of you keeping count, this is duckling #5!) We can't decide on a name yet, but I update everyone as soon as we decide on a name :)

We wanted to know if our ducklings are playful, so to find out (and as a reward for MAP testing today) we put our ducklings (Sleepy, Wednesday and the unnamed duckling) on the carpet and watched them play! I wish I could share with all of you the sweet giggles and happiness that was in our classroom during this fun time. 

Here are some pictures Mrs. Roper took from our experience of watching our ducklings play! 

Then we recorded our experience playing with our ducklings in our An Egg is Quiet journals..

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