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Monday, August 17, 2015

First Day Fun!!

What a great first day!! We had a ton of fun and enjoyed getting to know each other! We all got here at different times, so we made name mosaics with cut up construction paper on our names to pass the time while all our friends arrived at school. It was a great way to practice our letters and recognizing letters in our names. 

We had a few early finishers, so they enjoyed looking at books while the rest of us finished our name mosaics. 

Then we all gathered on the carpet and I read First Day Jitters to them. We talked about how  it's okay to feel nervous, sad. happy or even really excited on the first day of school. We had magic "Jitter juice" Mrs. Rojas & I created. Every one of my friends drank it all up and ALL claimed they felt better after. I kept saying it must have been the magic! ;)

Then, we practiced going through the lunch line at school, and we did it for real! We had so much fun at lunch. Here are a few pictures of us enjoying our first lunch at school!

After lunch, we relaxed and had a writing lesson on adding details to pictures. We all drew a picture of ourselves on the first day of kindergarten and practiced writing our name.

Then, we went out to recess and had a GREAT time! We were exhausted, so we came in and had a nice snack and some water. Then we had our family meeting and read Do Unto Otters. While we read Do Unto Otters, we talked about words like honesty, cooperation and kindness.

Right before we packed up, we had our first GoNoodle! We were still pretty wiggly at the end of the day, so we just had to let those wiggles out! We had fun doing letting our wiggles out while doing Zumba.

At the very end of the day, we took our first family picture. Here we all are giving our best smiles....

And here we are celebrating making it through the first day of kindergarten!!

We had such a great first day! I am proud of my friends for having no tears and doing their best work all day long! I already can't wait for tomorrow!


  1. It warms my heart to see these sweet pictures! Thank you for taking the time to do this blog!

    1. Oh, no problem! I enjoy it :) Let me know if you ever want originals, I will gladly email them your way. I just can't promise they'll all be clear (it can be hard at times to keep up with them... ha!)
