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Friday, August 28, 2015

Super Second Week!!

Wow! This week was so jam packed with learning and fun, I decided to cover all of it in one big post! 

In writing this week, we discussed Author / Illustrator Mo Willems. He writes really silly and funny stories. The first story we read this week was called Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus! We were inspired by Mo's character, Pigeon, and wrote about our own Pigeon, doing silly things.

 We also read Mo's book, Knuffle Bunny, this week. This is one of my favorite books! We brought our own special fluffies to hold while we read the story!

Then, inspired by Knuffle Bunny, we wrote our own stories about our fluffies that we brought to school.

We also started our station rotation this week. This week, we participated in engaging stations that showed us how to work quietly for an entire ten minute period. We learned how to clean up from a non-verbal cue and how to work together cooperatively. Next week, we will be introducing our first academic station- Work on Writing. 


In math, we have worked on numbers 1-5, and have focused on the multiple representations of the number. Each day, we have two pages in our journals (one filled out for reference, and one blank) that we will out together. We have also created a unique number number line showing the multiple representations of the numbers 1-5. We will continue to focus on numbers 6-10 next week. 

In reading, we focused on building our reading stamina by reading a story one of three ways (reading the words, reading the pictures or re-telling a story!) Right now, we have worked up to reading 4 minutes independently. Next week, I am hoping we will build our stamina up to at least ten minutes!! 

I am looking forward to all the learning we will do next week! 

1 comment:

  1. Now, these are some very busy "All Stars!" Great job, kiddos! Dr. P. Is super proud of your hard work!
