We have had another amazing week with tons of fun! We have finished our Map Books, learned new ELA and math stations (our absolute favorite!) and we've learned about what maps are and how they function from reading the Gingerbread man and discussing the places he visited.
One of our favorite parts of the day is ELA stations. We just can't get enough! So far, we have introduced read to myself, work on writing, word work, and this week, we introduced read to someone. We have absolutely loved practicing our reading skills with our friends. Here are some sweet pictures of us in our new read to someone ELA station.
Throughout the week, we finished our map books, recreating pages from our mentor text like, Map of my Heart, Map of my Classroom, Map of my School, and Map of my Community. We have loved using labels to add more detail to our drawings.
In math, we have focused on counting, representing and writing numbers 1-5. This is often a hard (but crucial) concept to nail in the beginning of the year. Through our whole group practice and independent practice during math stations, I think we're well on our way to have a great idea of numbers and what they truly represent.
This week, we really focused on tracking print from left to right and knowing our finger points to a word when there are spaces on both sides of the word. We read the book, Mrs. Wishy Washy, every day this week. We REALLY loved this book and getting several opportunities to practice with the text. Here we are practicing unscrambling a sentence in our reading journals. After we unscrambled the sentence, we practiced our one-to-one matching and pointing while reading.
We also have started 100 book challenge this week. As you probably know, we have been working on our stamina for about 3 weeks now, and this week we have read all the way up to SEVENTEEN minutes!! It has been very exciting and we have worked VERY hard.
We have really practiced our logging skills. We have been working on transferring the titles of our books to our logs.
Lastly, we have added our "writing about math" station this week. We have used dry erase markers to practice representing and writing our numbers. It has been so much fun!
We are so excited to start our community helper unit next week. I know that there are a lot of fun things to come! Stay tuned for more learning and fun!
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