This week has been an absolute blast!! We have learned all week about pumpkins, and got to experience picking a pumpkin. Today, we conducted a pumpkin investigation to answer some of our questions. We wondered, "What does a pumpkin feel like on the inside?" and "How many seeds are in our pumpkin?"
First, we recalled what we learned this week about pumpkins...
Then, we cut open our pumpkin and got to cleaning it out! If you look closely at the faces, you can tell there were a lot of "ews" exclaimed over the sliminess of the pulp!
Once everyone had a turn, I showed everyone what the inside looked like after most of the seeds and pulp were cleaned out. Then, I finished cleaning out the remainder of the seeds.
Then, once the seeds were cleaned out, we counted them! We decided to count by groups of ten.
We had 41 groups of ten and one left over. Our pumpkin had 411 seeds!! That's a lot of seeds!!
We had so much fun this week learning about pumpkins. Next week, we will wrap up our fall unit and introduce our Native American teepee to leave up all month.

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