What a FUN day! With all the excitement of our Boosterthon Fun Run today, we had even more excitement in our classroom through our science lesson! After going to the wonder room yesterday to explore the season of Fall with our senses of touch and sight, we knew we had to continue today with exploring our senses of taste and smell.. so we made PUMPKIN CUPCAKES!
First, we discussed a recipe, and how it is like directions for us to cook with. We talked about the different parts of a recipe (ingredients, directions) and then, we began to get our pumpkin cupcake batter ready!
First, we put in the spice cake mix.
Then, we scooped in the pumpkin puree.
Then, we made sure to mix it up!
We ALL wanted a turn :-)
Then, we poured in our white chocolate chips.
Then we mixed again!
Last, we had to move our batter from the bowl to the cupcake cups.
I put them in the over and we let them bake. While we let the cupcakes bake, we used our senses to see if we could smell pumpkin baking. We could! We recorded our thoughts on our 5 senses chart in our Wonder Journal.
Then, we went to lunch, recess and had the BOOSTERTHON FUN RUN! After our Fun Run, we FINALLY got to use our sense of taste and sample our cupcakes. I must say, they must have been delicious, because there were lots of happy smiles! One friend even told me he "loved my cookin'!"
Yummy!!! What a fun day! We recorded what we tasted and smelled today in our 5 senses books. We will be finishing these next week. Keep an eye out for our reveal of our books we have been working so hard on.
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