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Saturday, January 30, 2016

100th day!!

WOW! Can you believe it? Yesterday we celebrated 100 days of being in school and learning! We had so much fun all day long! The 100th day is one of the most looked forward to days of the school year and I think it lived up to everyone's expectations :) 

We began our morning by going to P.E., which helped us get a lot of our excited energy out. We came back and started our 100th day celebration by creating "100 gumballs" with our fingerprints. We used 10 different colors and counted to 10 for each color. We know that ten groups of ten makes 100! 

While we waited on our "gumballs" to dry, we showed off our special 100 day shirts! We counted by 1's, 5's and 10's to get to 100 on every shirt! We loved showing off our shirts and talking about the best ways to get to 100!

After lunch, we talked about some REALLY SILLY stuff... like what we would do if we were 100!!! I loved my friends' responses.. particularly the ones like "drink coffee all day" and "eat healthy food".. apparently I'm 23 going on 100 :-)!

Here was a chart of SOME of the responses we talked about...

We had so many ideas, they couldn't all fit on our chart! We quickly got to work writing..

Here are a few of our responses... 

We ALMOST didn't do this next activity... but after some thought on how special it was last year.. I decided to do it spur of the moment. Boy, am I glad I did! We watched Kid President's "20 Things We Should Say More Often" video. It is a good mix of silly things and things that are important to say more often to show kindness!

Next, we had a wonderful discussion about ways to show kindness to our friends, our parents, our teachers, and to everyone. As I said, I. am. so. glad. I. did. this. The responses my friends gave me left both mine and Mrs. Rojas's jaw open at times. It is amazing to me the genuine, sweet hearts these babies have!

As we talked about ideas, we charted them. As you can see, we wound up with a chart full of important ideas!

Here are some of my favorites..

"I love you"
"Do you want to be my friend?"

"Listening to each other"

"Giving people a thing they don't have, giving."

"Ladies go first"

"I am sorry."




"Giving kindness and love"

"Respect all people"

"Be nice to your friends"

"Help your mom cook"

"Will you play with me?"

The last part of our super exciting day was eating our 100th day snack! THANK YOU to everyone who sent in supplies for us to have our special snack. We had 10 groups of 10 snack pieces.. equaling 100 pieces of snack!

Yummy!! We had so much fun all day long! 

We are really looking forward to our trip to the circus next week. Stay tuned!

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