Sometimes, on rainy days particularly, you just have to break out of the normal and do something fun! I love using shaving cream for activities for several reasons: it's sensory, it is FUN, and it smells good! (Extra bonus... it leaves our tables SUPER clean!) So today... I decided we would break the norm and we would practice some phonics skills and our sight words in shaving cream! (Some may say I have lost my mind.. but this WAS super fun!)
We started by spreading out our shaving cream. We wrote the word "at" in our shaving cream, and used our phonics skills to build "-at" family words.
Then we started writing this weeks sight words. I gave my friends clues, and they had to figure out this week's sight word! They did really well with this!
Then, we had to practice some old sight words! I started calling out old sight words and they had to spell them (correctly) in the shaving cream. We spelled the words out loud together at the end after everyone had tried at least one time.
Then, we had to play in it some! Not getting to go outside means a lot of pent up energy for us, and this was a fun way to "let it out!"
We are so excited about our trip to the circus on Friday! Stay tuned for pictures from our trip.

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