Today, we wondered if chickens and ducks were the only kind of animals to lay eggs. We read Chickens Aren't The Only Ones by Ruth Heller. While reading the book, we realized there were a LOT of other animals that lay eggs! We read about insects, fish, birds and even dinosaurs! We were so interested in the animals! We learned a really big word, oviparous! Oviparous means that the animals do not have live babies, they lay eggs. We also learned that animals that have babies that are alive are mammals!
Here is some of what we wrote in our journals today:
We are having so much fun and learning so much! Please keep following us for more that we're going to be learning about ducks and another special creature we will have in our classroom soon!
This week has been SO EXCITING! After we asked Dr. Patterson in persuasive letters if we could have duck eggs, he said yes! We were so excited. On Tuesday, Kindergarten had a meeting with Dr. Patterson, where we discussed the responsibilities of having duck eggs / baby ducks in our room.
We then all took the feathered friend pledge. We promised to read, to learn, to research, to take care, to contain our excitement and many other things! We knew that having these duck eggs was a REALLY big deal!
Then, we got our eggs! We took a good look at them and had some discussion about our eggs.
My friends had amazing observations! They noticed things like: the eggs having P and R on them, some eggs being dirtier than other eggs, some eggs being bigger than other eggs, the eggs looking different from grocery store eggs...
While I put the eggs in the incubator, I allowed my friends the opportunity to free write about the connections they had made. Ya'll, I could not believe some of the things my friends wrote about. A lot of this, we had not even discussed!
Then, we had the opportunity to get up close and check out our incubator and the duck eggs for ourselves.
After we checked out the incubator, some of us wanted to finish our writing about what we initially made connections about with our ducks.
On Tuesday afternoon, we began our big writing project for the end of the year. We use the mentor text, An Egg is Quiet, and create our own An Egg is Quiet journals.
We made observations about the cover of the book, noting the details and the "fancy" text on the front.
After we worked on our cover on Tuesday, we worked on a page about our Incubator on Wednesday and a page about the mother duck and her role on Thursday. We made a lot of connections about the mother duck and the incubator! They have the same roles when taking care of baby duck eggs!
We have worked so hard! I am so proud of my friends and the things they have already accomplished with these new feathered friends. Next, we will be learning a great big word about animals that hatch from eggs. Stay tuned for more of our fun learning!