Today was such an exciting day in Fort Kindergarten!! Today was the first time we have candled our eggs to see inside of them. We were thrilled to see that we had quite a lot of fertile duck eggs!!
We observed the veins and the embryos in the eggs with ducklings. We could very clearly see embryos and veins in our runner ducks, but our pekin ducks were not nearly as clear. We are wondering if this means that our pekins are developing a little more slowly than our runners. We will find out for sure when we candle again next week!
We then wrote about our candling experience in our An Egg is Quiet journals.. I loved some of the observations my friends recorded! (We candled our eggs in the bathroom because it has no windows and made it easy for us to see what was inside the egg.)
"Today we are candling our eggs to see if they have ducks."
"In the bathroom there was babies in there it was so cool and awesome!"
"I noticed that in a Pekin duck egg that there was not a duck. Today we are candling eggs to see if there are baby ducks inside."
"Today we are candling our eggs to see if there are baby ducks growing inside them. We saw veins in the eggs with babies!"
"I saw a runner duck in the egg. We went in the bathroom."
Tomorrow we will be writing about eggs that come in different sizes. Stay tuned for more awesome learning and writing here in room 202!

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